How to keep your nutrition in check when your home is your office.Create a Routine
The most difficult part of working from home when it comes to eating is the lack of structure. Set up a structure for the day: Plan when, what and how much you're going to eat, and try to stick to it as best as possible. A set schedule will help tune out the cues that are part of weekend days, so you can be productive and not find yourself noshing all day and skipping physical activity. Avoid the Kitchen for Your Workspace Don't set up your laptop on the kitchen table. Find another spot to work, so you're not constantly tempted to snack. If you don't have a home office, find a quiet area away from the fridge to do your work. Only visit the kitchen when you plan to sit down and have a meal or snack – never eat standing up, typing or watching TV. Multi-tasking when eating means you'll likely eat more, yet enjoy it less. Make Time for Movement Take a break each day to walk in your neighborhood, work out with equipment at home, or try an online yoga or fitness class during your break. Use BurnAlong! Try not sitting longer than 60 minutes at one time. Start Your Day off Right Your morning routine has changed, but don't neglect a nutritious, filling breakfast in the morning. Healthy breakfast options such as a fruit and vegetable smoothies, a breakfast burrito with eggs, spinach, tomatoes and cheese wrapped in a whole-wheat tortilla or a whole-grain English muffin topped with peanut butter is a great way to start the day. Plan Your Snacks Just like the pitfalls of the candy dish at your office, avoid creating similar temptations at home. Keep a bowl of fruit on the kitchen counter or in clear containers in the refrigerator – making the healthy choice an easy choice. Having additional snacks ready in the fridge, such as pre-cut vegetables like carrots, celery and bell peppers with hummus and mozzarella cheese sticks. Pre-portion your snacks in advance. It's really easy to eat an entire jar of nuts mindlessly. Get in Touch with Your Hunger Recognize when you are truly hungry and not just bored, lonely, stressed or overwhelmed. If you are hungry, plan to take a break to make a snack or meal. Sit at a table away from your desk and computer and eat mindfully. You'll enjoy the food more and find it easier to notice when you've had enough.